I was reminded...
Out of sheer boredom for the slow nights... it can be really fun to fuck with dispatch. Most of them don't even realize it either. That's even funnier.
Ambulance Driver had such an exchange last night apparently:
Ambulance Driver: Radio Traffic From Last Night
Dispatcher: "Borg Unit Four, you have an assault/rape at Masquerade, 1384 Waterfront. 23-year-old male at the rear entrance."
Temporary Partner: "What's Masquerade?"
Ambulance Driver: "Local gay bar. They have an awesome drag show on Wednesday nights."
Temporary Partner [on radio]: "Dispatch, where did you say the patient was again?"
Dispatcher: "Unit Four, your injury is going to be at the rear entrance."
TP: "Ummmm, okay."
Back in the old days, when Fulton County Communications handled Grady EMS's dispatching, one of our primary posts was in Buckhead. On Friday and Saturday nights we would move from our usual post at AFD Sta 21 over to the middle of the old bar district.
Much better eye candy!!!
One bar even had a huge clear glass picture window with scantily clad "window girls" who would take turns sitting precariously in a sex-swing and swinging all night, much to the delight of passers by, the foot-patrol cops, and us pervy EMS folk.
Every weekend there were the typical bar brawls. APD would respond, and request EMS to patch up the arrested party's boo-boos before hauling them to jail. Our favorite was Club Uranus!! Our self-claimed Friday and Saturday night post was in eye-shot of Uranus, and the "window girls". It made working the night shift every weekend so worth it. But nothing beat asking Fulton County Dispatch repeatedly for the name of the bar:
Fulton Co: 7916 prepare to copy. You're responding to a 23 yo male, assaulted in Uranus, APD on scene.
Grady 196: Sorry radio, can you re advise your traffic, we have a lot of crowd noise here at post...
Fulton Co: 196, you are responding to an assault in Uranus.
Grady 196: Are you advising there's an assault in Uranus?
Fulton Co: 10-4, male assaulted in Uranus. APD is on scene. Your clear to enter.
Grady 196: Clear, APD has ok'd entry to Uranus. Show us at scene... In Uranus.
That exchange could have gone on all night and never lost a single ounce of funny!!!
Ambulance Driver had such an exchange last night apparently:
Ambulance Driver: Radio Traffic From Last Night
Dispatcher: "Borg Unit Four, you have an assault/rape at Masquerade, 1384 Waterfront. 23-year-old male at the rear entrance."
Temporary Partner: "What's Masquerade?"
Ambulance Driver: "Local gay bar. They have an awesome drag show on Wednesday nights."
Temporary Partner [on radio]: "Dispatch, where did you say the patient was again?"
Dispatcher: "Unit Four, your injury is going to be at the rear entrance."
TP: "Ummmm, okay."
Back in the old days, when Fulton County Communications handled Grady EMS's dispatching, one of our primary posts was in Buckhead. On Friday and Saturday nights we would move from our usual post at AFD Sta 21 over to the middle of the old bar district.
Much better eye candy!!!
One bar even had a huge clear glass picture window with scantily clad "window girls" who would take turns sitting precariously in a sex-swing and swinging all night, much to the delight of passers by, the foot-patrol cops, and us pervy EMS folk.
Every weekend there were the typical bar brawls. APD would respond, and request EMS to patch up the arrested party's boo-boos before hauling them to jail. Our favorite was Club Uranus!! Our self-claimed Friday and Saturday night post was in eye-shot of Uranus, and the "window girls". It made working the night shift every weekend so worth it. But nothing beat asking Fulton County Dispatch repeatedly for the name of the bar:
Fulton Co: 7916 prepare to copy. You're responding to a 23 yo male, assaulted in Uranus, APD on scene.
Grady 196: Sorry radio, can you re advise your traffic, we have a lot of crowd noise here at post...
Fulton Co: 196, you are responding to an assault in Uranus.
Grady 196: Are you advising there's an assault in Uranus?
Fulton Co: 10-4, male assaulted in Uranus. APD is on scene. Your clear to enter.
Grady 196: Clear, APD has ok'd entry to Uranus. Show us at scene... In Uranus.