HURRICAINE SCREWS NEW ORLEANS - Where have I heard this one before?

As New Orleans (and the rest of Southern Louisiana) prepares to be seriously fucked for the second time in three years...

My favorite Louisiana blog buddy, the Paramedic I wanna grow up to be... Kelly, ( aka "Ambulance Driver", aka "A.D." ) prepares for a 6am shift tomorrow in New Orleans. He has packed and prepped, as all good public safety folks do, to spend several days stuck at work, possibly unable to leave, most likely his relief unable to get in, and tons of 911 calls awaiting his attention.

Please say a little prayer for him, and all his colleagues as Gustav ass rapes Louisiana tomorrow.

My only question is this:

As we EMS peeps have lovingly referred to Katrina evacuees as Katricians, will Gustav evacuees be Gustavians? Nope, that almost sounds classy.

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