
Showing posts from October, 2008

Love me some TEXAS JUSTICE!!!

Firefighter and wife fight off home invasion... And beat the piss out of their attacker! NEWS ARTICLE Click this link to LISTEN TO WIFE'S DESPERATE 911 CALL FOR HELP . They tried to comply with the robber's demands, handing over valuables, all the cash they had on hand ( The 911 call is truly amazing!!! Ole Wifey has a brass pair!!!

Time for changes?

My deepest sympathy goes out to this family and the students at Mays High School: STUDENT DIES - ALS RESONDERS CANCELLED EN ROUTE, NEVER RE-DISPATCHED AFTER BLS CREW ON SCENE MADE REQUEST This, like other recent Atlanta and Fulton County dispatching errors only recently brings to light life endangering problems and "errors" that emergency providers in Metro-Atlanta have battled for years. It was not uncommon to be dispatched with misinformation at least ONCE in a shift, often several calls per day. These problems range from wrong addresses, incomplete addresses, mis-triaged calls, wrong responders sent (i.e. EMS sent for police only calls), not enough responders sent (as was this case), EMS being CONSTANTLY sent into unsafe or violent scenes without warning AND without police assistance. Part of the solution Grady EMS offered was to take over dispatching their own ambulances when Fulton County determined EMS was requested or needed. And while that has notably reduced EMS res...


GET A FUCKING LIFE!!! I ACTUALLY THOUGHT MY (CURRENT) LIFE WAS PRETTY PATHETIC, BUT Y'ALL GOT ME BEAT! DO YOU NOT HAVE BETTER SHIT TO DO THAN TO MIND OUR BUSINESS FOR US??? It has been recently brought to my attention that I should watch my P's and Q's. My recent blog post about my mom coming for a visit and taking me and a group of people out for dinner and a cabaret show seems to paint a picture that Lenya and I are having too much fun these days, considering our "conditions". And it seems to be raising a few eyebrows down at the Gradys. Oh, *NOW* y'all give a damn? Sure you do. Maybe you should think about kissing my big fat white ass. For those (few) of you who didn't know... I have been struggling with an ongoing worker's comp case with Grady EMS that stems from an on duty injury that occurred in February of 2005. I was the unfortunate recipient of the typical back injury many EMS providers experience at some point in their career. This has been a...