My day, yesterday

My day, yesterday

I awoke at the usual 5:30am to get dressed and ready for my almost two hour rush-hour commute to Alpharetta. Upon arriving at work at 7:59, my partner was yet in the office, so I set myself busy to ready us for the day ahead. Mike, co-owner and C.O.O. of the company (of 5 full time employees) calls me into his office.

I will simply sumarize my feelings as this: My intolerance for incompetance, drama, bullshit, unsafe work conditions, and unreliable paychecks, along with my feelings that the newbie EMT's skills should be nurtured and honed, and demand for partners who actually bathe regularly - did not set well with management. I was branded as a boat rocker, and trouble maker with a bad attitude. While all my EMT partners told me just how much they liked working with me, learned things from me, and agreed with my views on company operations, management told me repeatedly over the last week just how much no one wants to work with me.

So either management's view on me was grossly exagerated, or all the EMT's I worked with were liars. I'd like to hope it was the first and not the later. I really liked my EMT's. They were still fresh, starry-eyed, save the world EMT's, and not bitter jaded EMS employees that places like Grady eventually turn out. I wish them the best of luck, and hope they actually do find a way to change or save the world some day. I never did.

As for management, they now have no full time Paramedic to staff their only ALS unit. Only a couple of FireMedics who work a day here and a day there, because this was not their "real job" as they have put it.

I spent the better part of the day applying online for nearly 20 various clinical positions around Metro Atlanta that a Paramedic could fill, all along hoping that the Blackeye I carry from Grady won't keep me from being considered.

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