Feel free to brouse the article from Channel 11 News regarding Fulton County cutting their funding for Grady EMS. And you know I posted a response on their blog!!! * * * * * * * A R T I C L E * * * * * * * Atlanta Ambulances Face Cutbacks Web Editor: Jon Shirek 11-Alive NEWS Last Modified: 3/14/2008 9:22:40 PM Anyone who is in the City of Atlanta after June 30 and has a heart attack or is injured in a car wreck, or has some other life-threatening emergency, may have to wait more than 30 minutes for a life-saving EMS crew to arrive. That's the warning contained in a report that Grady EMS is circulating among city of Atlanta councilmembers and employees of the Mayor's office.Councilmembers reviewed the report Friday at their semi-annual, work-session retreat.On June 30, Grady EMS will lose its contract with Fulton County to provide ambulance services in the city of Atlanta. Fulton County decided in November that it could no longer afford the $10 million a year that it costs to p...